Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fournier Forgery?

Fournier Forgery!

This stamp appeared in ebay sometime ago and is due to end on the 15 Sept 2010. The postmark is a very attractive, clean Sandakan cds dated 23 JUN 18**. The last 2 digits of the year are unclear but the year is likely to be 1886. Both stamps of $1 and 50c. appear to have the same postmark and date. The Sandakan cds is purported to be that of D3. The problem is, D3 usually appear dotted with many broken lines. There is nothing as smmoth as the postmark shown here.

 The stamp fetches a relatively expensive bid, but I'm not sure whether people are intentionally collecting the forged Sandakan postmark (quite rare) or that they are not aware that it's a forged mark. Either way, we'll get to see the final bidding price soon. :)