Sunday, January 30, 2011

Once in a Blue Moon...



Jesselton blue cds, 1931

Got new additions to my postmark collection of Jesselton cds, strucked in blue ink dated 9 Feb (?) 1931. Not sure if it's common or not or if it's genuine at all. I got these among the complete set of the used 1931 stamps. From the 8 stamps that I received, only the $1 and $5 have the blue cds, the rest are marked with various black cds of Jesselton and Sandakan. 

Blue postmark is generally a rare occurence in North Borneo stamps. You only get to see it once in a while. I haven't seen much of these in recent years, perhaps more will turn up this year? Nevertheless, I'm still not entirely sure whether the cancel is genuine or indeed a forgery, hopefully someone can shed some light...