The Hunt for Great Postmarks



There seems to be a recent upsurge in interests in North Borneo postmarks, especially the rare, less commonly seen ones. The three pictures below are quite testimonial to this. All were listed in ebay from a Dutch seller, and actually ended today, 25 April 2010. Lot [1] reached a whooping winning bid of $765.51, while lot [2] and [3] managed to get more than $200 in hammer prices. All won by a single bidder, although with stiff competitions and attracted more than 10 enthusiastic bidders. 

Lot 1

In lot [1], let's have a look at the most obvious postmarks i.e. the ones on the $5, $10 and $2 stamps. The purple $5 stamp is the 1889 version, tied with Kudat circular date stamp (cds) right at the centre, dated 29 MR 1892. This is the second earliest postmark from Kudat. From 1886 - 1894, it is usually strucked in black ink and later from 1894 - 1895 in blue, before black ink being used again from 1895 - 1900. The the green $2 stamps bear essentially the same postmark, dated 17 SP 1892. The postmark in $10 shows the year in 2 digits compared to the $5 and $2.


The first and second rows consist of semipostal stamps overprinted with the carmine Maltese cross and black inscription of "Red cross two cents", produced in 1916 and 1918 respectively. A proportion of these stamps was sold by the National Philatelic War Fund in aid of the Society of British Red Cross and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. This was to fund the wounded or for the soldier's widow and orphans, following the World War I, where Great Britain declared war on Germany in August 4, 1914. The stamps sold by the National Philatelic War Fund are usually mint, whereas the ones retained by the North Borneo company are either in mint condition or used postally. The postally used stamps with this overprint are particularly rare especially from towns other than Sandakan (the capital city from 1883 - 1946). In the picture above, at least 2 stamps bear a clear Kudat postmark on the overprinted stamps, while the rest show vague cds from the same town.

Interestingly, the lot also includes some of the earliest North Borneo stamps, largely bearing the Kudat postmark as well. This is to be expected because Kudat was the capital city of North Borneo from 1881 - 1883, before being moved to Sandakan.

Lot 2


Stamps in this lot are largely tied with Sandakan postmark, the unique circular dated mark within a rectangular box as well as Tawao cds. The Tawao postmark is quite difficult to find but the Sandakan postmark is relatively common.  The green-black 18 cents stamp, as Silamstar pointed, was overprinted with the red "20 CENTS" inscription just after 2 months it was produced, therefore postmarks outside of Sandakan are considered very rare. Please look at his Kudat postmark on the 18 cents stamp here. The two 18 cents stamps in this lot bear the Sandakan postmarks. The other postmarks in this lot are unclear.

Lot 3


This lot consists of mostly Kudat cds and some Sandakan cds.

My North Borneo Airmail cover 1930



This is a new addition to my North Borneo collection, a Kudat airmail cover 1930. The cover was sent from Kudat to Sandakan on the 5th June 1930. It arrived Sandakan on the next day, 6 June 1930 with an arrival postmark on the reverse (not shown). The cover is franked with 13 pictorial stamps of 1925-1928 issue (Perf. 12½) from 1cent to 25 cents. These are tied with the airmail postmarks (5.2 cm x 2.2 cm). The top left corner of the cover is inscribed "Per Air Mail", with the Kudat cicular postmark below it. More on North Borneo airmail postmark and covers here. More on North Borneo RAF Airmail 1930.

Seaboat S1478

Trengganu's $100 stamp


This is Trengganu's (now called Terengganu) highest denomination stamp - $100 used both for postage and revenue purposes. It is unimaginable though, what kind of postage would cost $100 in 1921-1941. The stamp depicts Trengganu's Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah (1920-1942). In Stanley Gibbons catalogue, this is SG47 and values at £6000 for mint stamp. In reality though, as always the case, the general market price is usually lower than that, and with this particular stamp, the hammer price is €3250, sold recently by a Spanish seller in an auction in March 22, 2010. Overall the stamp is beautifully preserved, well centered, with defect-free perforations. This is probably the "All-China-is-Red" of Trengganu, due to the fact that it is red and the most expensive of all Trengganu's stamps.



Keep Your Stamps in a Safe Place!

Most Expensive North Borneo Stamps in ebay March 2010


"Most Interesting, Most Expensive March 2010"

This month, the top 4 listings are dominated by collection lots from nystamps. All of the listings from this seller is without any description, just pictures. Unfortunately because of the sheer numbers of listings every week, the accompanying pictures are deleted as soon as the transaction is done. This means we don't have any information as to what the lots consist of. Nevertheless, I included the top 10 most expensive items this month, just to make it more representative. So here goes:





Ended 03.03.2010

SG Cat price




18 bids



Ended 13.03.2010

SG Cat price


32 bids



Ended 19.03.10

SG Cat Price (?)

4 bids




Ended 18.03.2010

SG Cat Price £



17 bids




Eye-catching six colour franking. Sent by registered mail and nicely cancelled by Jesselton, British North Borneo cds strikes. Sender was obviously involved or owned the Dayak village exhibit at the Coney Island fair in New York with its notorious pygmy tatooed warriors and so on. He used an American company envelope , to write to the Secretary of the Canadian National Exhibition, or CNE, in Toronto - an ongoing annual country fair -probably to attempt to interest the Canadian enterprise in buying another artificial Dayak village! Dated January 25, 1910 both with cancels and this interesting Jesselton registration handstamp. Routed via Singapore (two cancels one crossed-out in pencil perhaps because of a dating error?), and London.
Ended 10.03.2010

SG Cat Price



4 bids


 Ended 11.03.2010

SG Cat Price £



33 bids


A very interesting Japanese Occupation stamps of North Borneo. The big cover is franked with 15 North Borneo and Brunei stamps (with the overprinted Japanese inscriptions) and tied with neat cancellations. The cover is addressed to Kuching, Sarawak and on top of the address, inscribed "First Day Cover". The arrangement of the stamps around the address in a diamond-like shape is somewhat unorthodox and possibly a deliberate attempt to make the cover look better, although, I would probably prefer the traditional way of affixing stamps on a cover. Nevertheless, the cover is very rare indeed, and I'm sure £220 is definetely a good bargain!


SG Cat Price £



4 bids


This is a very interesting censored North Borneo cover. On the front cover, there's an airmail postmark ("via imperial"). On top of the cover is inscribed with the sender's name: "From Dr. and Mrs. Tuxford, Lahad Datu". On the lower left, there is a pencil writing: "Stamps on back". Sent from Lahad Datu, dated 17 April 1940. 

On the reverse shows a boxed censor postmark in black ink inscribed "Passed by 29 Censor North Borneo".   Overall, 16 North Borneo stamps are used, from 1939 issues (1c, 3c, 4c and 6c) ammounting to 60c.

SG Cat Price



13 bids


Another interesting cover sent by the same sender: "Dr. and Mrs. Tuxford, Lahad Datu". The 1 cent stamps are overprinted with War Tax (1941). On the lower left corner of the cover is postmarked with a triangle mark "Passed for Transmission North Borneo, 29".

SG Cat Price



15 bids


Another airmail cover with the purple "via imperial" postmark. The cover is sent from Beaufort dated 21 May 1940. Franked with 4 stamps of 15 cents from the 1939 issue, showing a dayak with a shield. The cover is also tied with the North Borneo censor postmark: "Passed by 8 Censor North Borneo" in black ink.

SG Cat Price



10 bids

The selection criteria for this list include (a) stamps/philatelic items of North Borneo appearing in ebay, (b) must be available internationally and (c) must be on auction format only.

Check out the list in other months:
January 2010     February 2010

$25 Revenue Stamps (part I)


General North Borneo Taxes System

The main taxes in North Borneo are poll-tax, criminal and civil fines, land rents and other licences. The poll-tax simply means that every adult native male has to pay one dollar ($1) to the company unless he already pays $3 in other taxes. In an 1884 report of S.E Dalrymple, assistant resident to Keppel province, $900 poll tax have been collected in Putatan district alone.

The General Post Office (GPO) is situated in Jesselton. The postmaster-general is also Superintendant of Telegraphs. The Treasury department is vital. North Borneo has its own State Bank and its own notes and coinage, having adopted the Straits Settlements Currency of the dollar fixed at two shillings and four pence. The finance commissioner is responsible for the stamp issue, which in the past brought to the company significant revenue.

Another important post with regards to revenue collection is the distric offcer (D.O.). A DO is not only responsible for the administration and well-being of his district, but also responsible to maintain the law and order. He is also in charge for the public health, and as a police officer, he is accountable to hunt rebels of the company. As a collector of revenue he collects any fine that may be paid, while as a postmaster, he may sign the invoice of the mail which contains his reports upon the incidence. Additionally he is also the collector of Land Revenue, and holds the power to resolve disputes as to boundaries and ownership. Usually a D.O. has one Chinese and one native clerk, the Chinese responsible for the court work while the native for revenue collections.

What are the $25 Revenue Stamps?

Figure 1: 1889 issue with the word "British"

We have seen these steel blue revenue stamps somewhere, in eBay especially. Most of us, however, wouldn’t have a clue as to what they were or whether they’re worth collecting. In this blog, I will share some of the general information that every North Borneo collectors should know about the stamps.

When the $5 and $10 ‘Postage and Revenue’ stamps were issued in 1889, the British North Borneo (BNB) Company decided to also introduce a $25 denomination stamp solely for revenue purposes. It was not used for any postage purposes and bore the word “Revenue” only. Although there were many colour trials with various colours, eventually the steel blue shade was selected and printed. There are two version of the stamp with regards to perforation, one with 13¾ perforations, and the other is imperforated. Similar to the $5 and $10, or in fact most of the earlier North Borneo stamps, the design incorporates the Company’s coat of arms. In 1894, similar revenue stamp was introduced replacing the word “British” with the words “the state of”. These stamps are also either perforated 13 ¾ or imperforated.

Figure 2: 1894 issue with the word "British" replaced with "The State of"

Printer and Engraver
Up to 1890s, all North Borneo stamps had been engraved by Thomas MacDonald. It is therefore assumed that the $25 revenue stamps were also engraved by the same person, although there is a lack of reference on this. The stamps were lithographed by Blades East & Blades on white paper in sheets of 20, arranged in 4 horizontal rows X 5. Each stamp measures about 3.4cm X 4.15 cm.

Colour Trials

Many colour trials stamps were produced before the steel blue colour was selected. These include orange-brown, pink, yellow etc. These stamps are typically perforated in the middle. In general they are more difficult to find and priced higher than the normal revenue stamps.

Should we collect them?

Figure 5: Imperforated revenue stamp of 1889

Yes, we should collect these stamps because they are the only North Borneo stamps issued solely for revenue purposes. Apart from that, they are they highest stamp denomination of all North Borneo stamps. These stamps are fairly common and easy to find especially the CTO ones, and they are not as expensive as one might imagine. Most of these stamps are either CTO or mint. The mint stamps are probably more expensive than the CTOs. Diligent searches, however, may still find unrecognised example of genuine fiscal use of these stamps, which are extremely rare and should be very valuable.

Stanley Gibbon catalogue does not list these stamps because it only lists postage stamps. This is also true in Scott catalogue, where only USA revenue stamps are listed. Therefore, there are no credible references as to their values. Values are therefore an educated guess at best. The general rule is that the CTO stamps should be valued at around their face value although this can be slightly lower or higher depending on the sellers. The mint stamps should be relatively more expensive than the CTOs and therefore should be valued higher than the face value. In ebay however, there is a wide range of prices depending on the individual seller. On average, these stamps would sell around $15-$25 each. A block of stamps would sell much higher but not in direct multiplication of the general market price for an individual stamp. For example the block of 6 imperforated CTO stamps above sells for around $45.

(Part II - Die flaws in 1889 issue)
(Part III - Die flaws in 1894 issue)

St. Patrick's Day in Cork, Ireland


St. Patrick's Parade in Cork city, Ireland